
Basic Stretching


While sitting in a chair, cross your right leg on top of the other so the outside of your ankle rests on top of your knee.
Next, gently lean forward until a stretch is felt along the crossed leg, hip and buttock. Repeat on both sides. Repeat 5 Times
Hold 5 Seconds
Complete 1 Set
Perform 2 Times a Day


Start by sitting on a chair with one leg crossed so that the outside of your ankle on one leg is on top of the thigh of the other leg. Next, pull the top knee up and towards your chest for a gentle stretch to your buttock and hip. Hold and then return to starting position and repeat. Repeat 5 Times
Hold 5 Seconds
Complete 1 Set
Perform 2 Times a Day

Seated Cervical Stretch

Seated in a chair, grab seat of chair with left hand and hold. Tilt your head to the right while placing right hand on top of head creating gentle over pressure until a stretch is felt in left side of neck. Try to think of touching your ear to the top of your shoulder as you bend to the right.

Modify your hand pressure and head position if you feel numbness or pain in your shoulder or arm. Repeat 4 Times
Hold 5-10 Seconds
Perform 2 times a day


Gently grasp left fingers and hold them straight. Now straighten your elbow so the back of your left hand is facing you.

Use your right hand to bend the left wrist UPWARD, with LIGHT pressure at the first knuckle of fingers.

Do not bend the fingers backward as the intent is to stretch at the wrist. Pressure of the stretch should be felt near the inside aspect of the elbow, wrist and base of hand.
Keep the elbow straight the entire time.
Keep the stretch in the pain free.
Repeat on both arms

Repeat 2 Times
Hold 30 Seconds
Perform 2 Times a Day


While standing next to a chair or countertop for support, press down with your toes as you raise up your heels and your body.
Lower back down and repeat. Hold your hips and core stable. Think of lifting the top of your head straight up to the ceiling Repeat 20 Times
Hold 1 Second
Complete 1 Set
Perform 2 Times a Day


Start by standing with your feet slightly apart and your hands on the back of a chair or counter top for support.
Next, lean forward for a gentle stretch to your low back/hamstrings. Try to keep the knees and back straight and bend at the hips. Keep your neck and head straight and in line with your spine and elbows.
Slowly return up to starting position and repeat.
You may drop your head down to increase the stretch in your spine if it feels good. Repeat 5 Times
Hold 5-10 Seconds
Complete 1 Set
Perform 2 Times a Day