Santa Fe Family Life Center Presentation
Slide 1:Santa Fe Family Life Center
Presentation for the annual State Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma
Presented on April 6, 2024 by Bryan Jackson – Director of Operations
Our Mission: Improve the lives of Oklahomans by providing sports and fitness opportunities for all abilities.
Phone number: 405-840-1817 Website:
PICTURE ON SLIDE: Front building of Santa Fe located at 6300 N. Santa Fe Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Slide 2: Play at the ‘Fe – the facility for every ability
Our key areas of impact are:
1) Adaptive sports and fitness
2) Programs for Veterans
3) Under-resourced youth
4) Community partnerships
PICTURE ON SLIDE: Three wheelchair basketball players from our 2023 Adaptive Sports Expo Event
Slide 3:The Facility
Accessible , Inclusive, Multi-sport
Things we offer: basketball, pickleball, indoor and sand volleyball, swimming, tennis, squash, badminton, weightlifting, cardio, group exercise, futsal, community rooms, locker rooms, elevator, accessible exercise equipment and sport wheelchairs
PICTURE ON SLIDE: Outdoor pool with kids playing and having a blast
Slide 4: Inclusive Programs
Our staff, facility, and programs are designed with input and support from our adaptive athletes. One mother shared, “We love Wheelie Club and the inclusion Santa Fe Family Life Center! It’s hard sometimes finding a place for our whole family. Even if there is not an immediate answer or solution, they have leadership that is willing to literally come to a table and figure things out. Even the little, seemingly small, things matter!”
Regular Programs going on include: Push Club, Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Football and Adaptive Clinics
PICTURE ON SLIDE: Luke and his family at wheelie club. They are in a line holding onto each other’s chairs and playing “The Train Game”
Slide 5: How can I get involved in these programs
Membership and Day Passes – Membership options range from $9.99/month to $150/month. Daily guest passes are $10/person.
Adaptive Clinics or Programs – Weekly and monthly clinics are available. Some are Veteran-specific, and others are open for individuals of all ages and abilities.
Group Exercise Classes Group – group exercises classes like yoga, Silver Sneakers, and Zumba are available throughout the week to members and guests. Pricing varies by class.
PICTURE ON SLIDE: No picture just a graphic of the above mentioned ways to get involved.
Slide 6: People Matter Most
Empowerment Matters – Everyone on our team is empowered to ensure that we are providing barrier-free access to our facility and programs for all who enter our doors. We listen for ways that we can improve upon our mission.
Inclusiveness Matters – Individuals from all backgrounds are included in discussions about facility and program design. We are best when we work together and gather ideas and opinions from the community we serve.
PICTURE ON SLIDE: SFFLC staff at a table from our 2023 ASE event and some of our senior members having a laugh during a Laughter Yoga workshop.
Slide 7: Meet Our Athletes
PICTURE ON SLIDE: Action shots of our athletes: Glynn is 90 years and is a regular in our Silver Sneakers class and is seen smiling and having a ball; Johnnie is a professional Dallas Cowboys’ wheelchair football player and is in full uniform; Victor is a veteran pickleball player and lunging for a shot; Leah is a die hard member working on some tricep rope extension to work (someone call the OK statefair grounds and tell them the gun show has some competition)
Sllide 8 Let’s connect today!
Business cards – free one day guest pass on the back
Register for a clinic –
Call 405-840-1817 for memberships
Join one of our free drop-in clinics
Let’s discuss
PICTURE ON SLIDE: Action shots of our athletes: Glynn is 90 years and is a regular in our Silver Sneakers class and is seen smiling and having a ball; Johnnie is a professional Dallas Cowboys’ wheelchair football player and is in full uniform; Victor is a veteran pickleball player and lunging for a shot; Leah is a die hard member working on some tricep rope extension (someone call the OK statefair grounds and tell them the gun show has some competition)
Slide 9: Thank You!
Reach out and get involved. Give us a call, check out website or just come by for a visit.
PICTURE ON SLIDE: Two long term members enjoying some fresh coffee in our member’s lounge. Toasting each other to fun, fitness and family!