National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma
Resolution Regarding NewView Oklahoma and the Older Blind Program
WHEREAS, the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma is the largest and most diverse advocacy organization of the blind in the State of Oklahoma and;
WHEREAS, the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma recognizes the vital importance of older blind persons remaining independent, self-reliant and self-sufficient and the value of individualized, blindness-specific and appropriately delivered rehabilitation training and;
WHEREAS, blind seniors rely on the older blind program to obtain necessary blindness skills to maintain independence in order to limit reliance on government assistance and avoid being forced into nursing facilities and;
WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, Division of Visual Services, currently provides best practice training services through 12 statewide offices and with 16 Masters level and certified blindness rehabilitation teachers, most blind themselves and;
WHEREAS, a 2016 client satisfaction survey showed a 95% approval rating by older participating clients and;
WHEREAS, the older blind program served over 400 blind seniors in the past year alone, and was funded through a state Federal match at no cost to older blind participants and;
WHEREAS, NewView Oklahoma has disrespectfully and irresponsibly engaged in self-serving legislative action by requesting and supporting HB 1861 and SB 733 which would strip the Older Blind Program funding and services from the Department of Rehabilitation Services, Division of Visual Services and;
WHEREAS, legislation proposed and supported by NewView Oklahoma would force a contract monopoly for itself, while defunding the older blind program denying blind seniors their right of informed choice and;
WHEREAS, NewView Oklahoma is already an approved contract vendor with the Department of Rehabilitation Services, and contracts with the Division of Visual Services to provide rehabilitation services as deemed appropriate in accordance with the requirements of informed choice thus rendering HB 1861 and SB 733 unnecessary and;
WHEREAS, NewView Oklahoma relies on Occupational Therapists who do not have specialized training in blindness rehabilitation and ;
WHEREAS, NewView Oklahoma only has locations in Oklahoma City and Tulsa limiting its ability to provide services state-wide and potentially leaving blind seniors in rural Oklahoma without services;
Now therefore, be it resolved by the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma, in Convention assembled in the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, this 9th day of April, 2017, that we condemn and deplore NewView Oklahoma for its hostile legislative activities regarding its attempt to monopolize funding for the older blind program which would result in stripping resources rightfully appropriated to the Department of Rehabilitation Services, Division of Visual Services.
be it further resolved that NewView Oklahoma does not represent the blind of Oklahoma and that the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma will vehemently oppose further attempts to monopolize rehabilitation services in Oklahoma.
be it further resolved that The National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma calls upon the Oklahoma State Legislature to thoroughly investigate the policies, procedures and practices of NewView Oklahoma, especially as they concern existing contracts between the Department of Rehabilitation Services and NewView Oklahoma for services to blind Oklahomans.
be it further resolved the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma calls upon the Oklahoma State Legislature to consult directly with the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma in the future before considering any legislation having any potential impact on the lives or livelihoods of the blind.
National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma
ResolutionRegarding inclusion of professionals with National Orientation and Mobility Certification as approved O&M teachers/specialists by the OK Department of Education
WHEREAS, The National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma has advocated and demonstrated the efficacy of blind persons serving other blind persons to teach the skills and techniques of traveling and moving about freely, to go where ever and whenever, safely and independently with the use of a long white cane and;
WHEREAS, the practice of training with these tools, techniques and skills has been formalized and standardized now since the 1960s and;
WHEREAS, a well recognized and well respected certification body, the National Blindness Professional Certification Board, has been established which provides thorough and rigorous evaluation of approved teachers who are blind and sighted alike and;
WHEREAS, the State of Oklahoma Department of Education does not currently include National Orientation and Mobility Certification on its list of approved Certifications required for O&M teachers, which results in de facto discrimination against the use/hiring of blind O&M teachers, excluding them from providing their services to the blind children of Oklahoma.
Now therefore, be it resolved by the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma, in Convention assembled in the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, this ninth day of April, 2017, that we call upon and urge the Director of the Oklahoma Department of Education to swiftly address this oversight in the list of approved certification bodies, to recognize the National Blindness Professional Certification Board as a valid resource, to include National Orientation and Mobility Certification on the Department’s approved list for required certifications, and to provide the opportunity for blind O&M teachers to take their due and rightful place among other O&M teachers of Oklahoma’s blind children.
National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma
Resolution Regarding the Oklahoma State Legislature
WHEREAS, The National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma is the largest and most diverse advocacy organization of the blind in the State of Oklahoma and;
WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Legislature , comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate, whose Members are elected officials representing the people of Oklahoma, meet in session annually to draft, debate and pass legislation which ultimately becomes law in the state of Oklahoma and ;
WHEREAS, there are approximately 135,000 blind Oklahomans who are directly affected by the actions of the Oklahoma Legislature and;
WHEREAS, the blind of Oklahoma possess the capacity, knowledge and experience of blindness to understand issues directly affecting them and and who, because of their unique experiences are most qualified to speak on matters concerning the blind and ;
WHEREAS, H B 1861 and SB 733 regarding the Older Blind program, diverting funding from the Department of Rehabilitation Services and placing it in the direction of Newview Oklahoma, a private, non-profit sheltered workshop, and HB 2230 regarding the exemption of the County Jails from participation in priority contracts for blind managers, were introduced in the 56th Oklahoma Legislature, First Regular Session and were authored without consultation with nor consideration of the blind constituents of Oklahoma and ;
WHEREAS, a group of APPROXIMATELY thirty to forty constituent members of the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma met on March 1, 2017 to attend committee meetings regarding the proposed legislation which had been referred to committees in the House of Representatives and;
WHEREAS, the Municipal and County Committee met regarding HB 2230 with Committee Chair, Representative Sean Roberts having previously given permission for a representative of the Oklahoma Association of Blind Merchants, a Division of the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma to be recognized and to speak regarding our opposition to the proposed legislation and;
WHEREAS, after objection from the bill sponsor, Representative Mulready, the Committee chair did not honor the agreement to allow a blind constituent to speak against the measure and instead allowed the Tulsa County Sheriff to be recognized and to speak in favor of the legislation and;
WHEREAS, Committee Chair Roberts further disrespected the blind persons in attendance by not providing verbal description of the voting after having been requested to do so by one of his own committee members thereby not affording the blind attendees the opportunity to understand the tally and procedures of the vote in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and;
WHEREAS, the Appropriations and Budget Committee met regarding HB 1861, with the same above mentioned constituent members of the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma in attendance for the entirety of the four hour committee meeting and said blind constituents were not acknowledged or recognized by Committee Chair, Representative Leslie Osborne, and were not provided an opportunity to speak in opposition to the proposed legislation and ;
WHEREAS, blind constituents, their friends and family members have, in good faith and belief in the democratic process, contacted their respective Representatives and Senators by phone, e-mail and social media on multiple occasions regarding opposition to the proposed legislation that will undeniably affect the blind community and ;
WHEREAS, the above legislation continues TO MOVE forward with complete disregard TO the input provided by blind constituents, even though the blind of Oklahoma are united against the above measures and the only supporters are entities who stand to profit at the expense of quality services and jobs for the blind.
Now therefore, be it resolved by the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma, in Convention assembled in the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, this ninth day of April, 2017, that we condemn and deplore the actions of The Oklahoma legislature including the House of Representatives and the Senate for demonstrating a pattern of disrespect and disregard for the blind of Oklahoma and for failing to faithfully represent the people of Oklahoma.
Be it further Resolved that We, the blind of Oklahoma seek to speak for ourselves regarding matters concerning the blind and engage the members of the Oklahoma Legislature to work together in crafting and authoring legislation regarding issues related to blindness and the blind of Oklahoma so that we may share our knowledge and experiences with blindness in order to assist the Oklahoma Legislature In creating effective policies regarding the blind.
National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma
Resolution Regarding HB 2230 and the Tulsa County Jail Commissary
WHEREAS, the national Federation of the blind of Oklahoma is the oldest, most diverse, most active, and most representative voice of the Blind in the state of Oklahoma and;
WHEREAS, the Federation opposes HB 2230 which would”exempt county jail commissaries from the requirement to have licensed blind operators operate vending facilities” and;
WHEREAS, this Legislation would create a precedent for loss of other protected vending operations, as well as result in the immediate loss of the vending facility for the blind vendor in the Tulsa County Jail commissary and;
WHEREAS, this would breach the letter and spirit of the Randolph Sheppard act and circumvent existing state laws established to create priorities for blind vendors in county jail commissaries as well as other State operated public buildings.
Now therefore, be it resolved by the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma in Convention assembled in The city of Oklahoma City this Ninth day of April 2017 that we call upon The Oklahoma State legislature to withdrawal or defeat HB 2230, and to honor the existing legislation which grants priority for blind vendors to operate county jail commissary vending operations and other public buildings in the state of Oklahoma.
Be it further resolved, that the Federation call upon the Oklahoma State legislature to encourage and support the expansion of employment opportunities through the blind vendors program operated by the division of Visual Services under the Department of Rehabilitation Services.
National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma
Resolution Regarding partnership and support of Representative George Faught
WHEREAS, The National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma stands as the leader in the blindness community to improve and preserve services for blind persons such as vocational rehabilitation and;
WHEREAS, recently services of the Older Blind Program, provided by the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, Division of Visual Services, have come under attack by legislation in the Oklahoma State Legislature, as requested by Newview Oklahoma, which potentially would have diverted the Program’s funding to Newview Oklahoma and;
WHEREAS, such a diversion would have had devastating results on service delivery to the older blind of Oklahoma and;
WHEREAS, Oklahoma State Representative George Faught of Muskogee introduced three amendments to HB 1861, first, changing the “shall” language to “may” which would weaken the possible impact of the bill if it were passed, second, removing the NAC requirement, which would have provided Newview a virtual monopoly of the funds, and third, to exempt any services from being contracted which were already being provided by Oklahoma Division of Visual Services and;
WHEREAS, State Representative Faught’s efforts, in concert with the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma and concerned others in the blindness field, have resulted in the desired effect of stopping the passage of HB 1861.
Now therefore, be it resolved by the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma, in Convention assembled in the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, this ninth day of April, 2017, that we commend and applaud Oklahoma State Representative George Faught for his strong support and partnership with the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma on behalf of the older blind of our state and their rehabilitation services.
National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma
Resolution Regarding Cooperation and Support from the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council and the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Association
WHEREAS, Legislation negatively affecting the rights and independence of blind Oklahomans has been introduced into the Oklahoma Legislature during the current legislative session and;
WHEREAS, unified resistance and collective action are essential for effective legislative advocacy and;
WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council and the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Association immediately and unconditionally offered their support of efforts by the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma to push back against HB 1861 and HB 733 which would strip funding of the Older Blind Program from the Department of Rehabilitation Services and;
WHEREAS, this joint effort by the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council and the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Association has positively impacted efforts to protect the rights of older blind Oklahomans to appropriate and effective rehabilitation services.
Now therefore, be it resolved by the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma in convention assembled in the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on this 9th day of April, 2017 that we Commend and extend sincere appreciation to the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council and the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Association.
Be it further resolved that we encourage and welcome future partnerships in order to promote the best interests of blind Oklahomans.